Have you or a loved one experienced serious injury because of a drug or device? Or do you have a loved one who has died due to a prescription drug or device?
Unfortunately, prescription drugs and medical devices are often pushed onto the market before they have been adequately tested.
We represent thousands of clients dealing with complications with vaginal mesh implants. These implants, used to treat conditions that frequently occur after childbirth, are made of polypropylene and are surgically implanted. The increasing number of complications reported with these products prompted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require the manufacturers to investigate the causes, which resulted in the recall of many of their products from the market.
Our attorneys have the experience it takes to litigate your case and our firm is representing thousands of women, across the country, who have dealt with complications ranging from scarring to infection and pain and incontinence that have resulted in the need for additional procedures, including surgery.
Our firm also represents thousands of clients affected by Risperdal, a medication manufactured by Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and approved by the FDA as an antipsychotic medication. Despite the FDA approved purpose, J&J marketed Risperdal for use in children with mental disabilities, including autism, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, and oppositional defiant disorder. Many adolescent boys taking Risperdal experienced weight gain and breast development, some even requiring breast reduction surgery.
We are committed to helping individuals harmed by the effects of pharmaceuticals like this and we have the experience to make sure that you get the compensation that you deserve if you or a family member has been prescribed dangerous drugs.