Be informed. Stay alert. Don’t let a storm take you by surprise by monitoring any approaching storms at the National Hurricane Center. Other resources include the American Red Cross, National Weather Service, and Mostyn Law Firm. Check TV, radio, or weather.com for the latest updates and heed all evacuation warnings and instructions from authorities. Complete our storm and hurricane preparation checklist beforehand.
Make sure your home is covered. Review your current home policy to ensure that you have adequate windstorm coverage as well as flood insurance.
Clear your gutters of any debris before the storm. Clogged gutters can lead to backup, which can cause runoff that increases the likelihood of property damage and exacerbates any damage that may occur. Remember to secure gutters and any downspouts if they are loose.
Plan to check in with friends and family. Planning in the middle of a storm is not recommended, so talk to your loved ones in advance and come up with evacuation routes and meeting points for when the storm hits.
Protect valuable documents and belongings for safekeeping. Gather critical documents like identification, health insurance cards, car insurance cards, passports, wills, insurance policies, and any important contact information. It may make sense to scan certain documents and store them in a secure cloud-based environment. Many people use single password managers to protect their information—it’s a practice that safeguards your identity and, in the case of an outage, protects you during storms.
Trim surrounding tree branches and remove damaged limbs. Reduce any damaged limbs in size so they aren't big enough to do harm to your property in the case of extreme winds. Remember to move them away from your home.
Prepare inside your home. Check all surge protectors or unplug sensitive electronics and unplug them. Turn your refrigerator or freezer to the coldest setting so food will last longer if there’s a power outage.
Secure outdoor objects. If you have lawn chairs or hanging swings, you may want to remove them and secure them inside a garage. And if you can't bring them inside, tie them down securely so they cannot become debris that injures you or damages your home. Move your car to a safe location; if you can move it into a garage, do that. Fill it up with gas and see if you can take it to the center of a parking garage where it's a safe location and unlikely to be affected by debris. You may want to check the high floors of the parking garage.
Stock up on emergency food, water, and supplies. You never know how long you could be without power or access to a store. Be sure to get enough essentials to last you and your family several days. Stock up on supplies like water, non-perishable food, pet food, and medications. Make sure that you have a battery/hand-crank radio, flashlight, first aid, cell phone/charger, and maps of the nearby area. Always have extra batteries, check your battery supply periodically, and if possible, have a variety of battery sizes. Hand flashlights are smaller and take smaller batteries, whereas bigger flashlights require bigger batteries, but both have their value in the event of an outage. The same goes for your cell phone. Keep your phone charged, as well as any digital cameras, and if you have portable charger power banks, have those charged as well to have power saved for several hours after the storm hits. It could mean that you have access to national coverage, enabling you to help yourself or someone else because you have a working phone. Have any necessary medications and towelettes for cleaning. If you own a generator, make sure you have extra gas for it.
Study your policy. Take a closer look at what your insurance policy entails. Does your coverage include a common loss deductible? Know what is covered and what the insurance companies will expect you to cover yourself.
Support windows, doors, and other vital areas. Support windows, doors, and garage doors with temporary shutters, covers, and hardware. Close any storm shutters and board any windows with nails to ensure that extreme winds do not propel dangerous objects inside your home.
Take pictures and videos. Take photos or videos of the interior and exterior of your home to document the pre-storm condition of your home. Having proper documentation will strengthen your potential storm damage claim.